LIVE-STREAM: 10:00 AM Easter Sunday Mass. Easter bags with treats will be available in church near the front entrance on Easter Sunday, as a gift to our children for all who wish to come get one.
with Rev. Damian Zablocki and “The Vigil Project” featuring John Finch, Jr., Vocalist, Songwriter & SPPC Parishioner. Mass, Live Music, Dynamic Speaking, Authentic Prayer, Confessions with Visiting Priest. More Information Coming Soon!
Sts. Peter & Paul will celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent with more than a rose candle this year. On the weekend of December 15, we are also adopting the Vatican tradition of blessing Nativity scene figures of the baby Jesus (“Bambinelli” in Italian). The tradition was started by Pope Paul VI in 1969 and since then, the Bambinelli blessing has been given by the pope during the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square on the Third Sunday of Advent. It’s a teachable moment for families to refocus children on the true meaning of the Advent season. Fr. Travis would like to invite every household in our parish, young and old, to unpack your creche and bring the baby Jesus from your family’s Nativity scene to church to be blessed at any Mass on the weekend of December 14–15, the Third Sunday of Advent. At Mass, we will gift a small baby Jesus to the children enrolled in PSR elementary classes so that they may bring up the baby Jesus to the altar for the blessing (along with the baby Jesus from their home Nativity scene if they have one). We would like all children to be able to participate in the blessing. Adults will raise their baby Jesus from the pews for the blessing.
Please bring drop off your favorite recipe (s) in an envelope in the collection basket, email it to us or bring it to the Church Office. Don’t forget to include your name for printing in a new Sts. Peter & Paul Cookbook.
The Altar Society’s Christmas Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, December 10, at noon. The event will be catered and the cost is $15 per person. Make your reservation by placing your name and phone number with payment in an envelope. You may place it in the collection basket at Mass, bring it to the Church Office or give it to May Cabellero, Altar Society President. For more information, please contact May at (985) 863-2467.
GASPP members will be meeting on the second Monday in December instead of the usual first Monday of the month. Plan to get together on December 9 at noon in the Parish Hall for a fun Christmas Potluck Lunch.
Sign-up after Masses for your photography session appointment for the new Church Directory or schedule your appointment online at Invite your friends to do the same. They do not have to be a parishioner. Professional photographs, no sitting fees, and everyone gets a free 8x10!
On Thanksgiving morning, thank God for all your blessings by attending Mass at 8:00 a.m. Start the day off on a positive note and celebrate the Eucharist. In your prayer, reflect on five things you are most grateful for in your life. Then reflect on how you can be an even better steward of these gifts.
Sts. Peter & Paul is excited about participating in the 2019 #iGiveCatholic Campaign, 24 hours of online Catholic philanthropy for this year’s “Giving Tuesday,” a day dedicated to online philanthropy following Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The #iGiveCatholic campaign is a 24-hour online crowdfunding effort at on December 3 to raise funds — all tax-deductible — to support the Church’s schools, ministries, parishes and other charitable organizations. Advanced Giving started on November 18. To donate, go to and search for Sts. Peter & Paul to support our Parish. Cash donation envelopes are in the church for another way to donate; just drop it in the collection basket. Thank you for your support!